All Medical Service Blogs By Firstcure Health
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Piles during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swellings in or around your bottom (anal canal)that contain swollen blood vessels.Piles can happen to anyone, not just pregnant women.

28 Dec 2021
All Medical Service Blogs By Firstcure Health
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ZSR Circumcision: A Modern Surgical procedure for Phimosis

Phimosis is a health condition in which the prepuce (foreskin) covering the glans (head of the penis) is too tight to be retracted or pulled back. It is common in babies.

28 Dec 2021
All Medical Service Blogs By Firstcure Health
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Tubectomy, a popular method of contraception

Tubectomy or Tubal Sterilisation is a surgical procedure which has become an increasingly prevalent form of contraception in India. This procedure ensures that the fallopian tubes are blocked-clamped.

28 Dec 2021
All Medical Service Blogs By Firstcure Health
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Bleeding in the Stool: Why You Shouldn’t Panic

It is scary to see blood in your stool, as the first thought comes to mind is that it may be cancer. While frightening, blood in stool is quite common and you will be relieved to know can be caused by a number of reasons which are not life threatening.

28 Dec 2021
All Medical Service Blogs By Firstcure Health
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Setting your poop clock in easy steps

Let's talk about your poop schedule, to find out if you have a schedule or you have no idea when you will feel the need to poop? Gastroenterologists consider three times a week to several times a day, as normal bowel movement (BM) frequency.

8 jan 2022
All Medical Service Blogs By Firstcure Health
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How do you live without a Gallbladder?

You can definitely live without a gallbladder by making necessary the dietary changes for a longer, healthier lif. Gallbladder removal is called cholecystectomy, which your doctor may recommend for the following reasons.

8 jan 2022
Hermorrhoids Treatment By Firstcure Health
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Best Food to Eat When You Have the Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids or piles are a common though serious occurrence. This can be of two types — internal and external piles. In internal piles, there is bleeding with the bowel movement and in external piles, the area around the anus and rectum gets inflamed and pains.

17 jan 2022
Kidney Stone Removal Treatment By Firstcure Health
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Protect Yourself from Kidney Stones

‘Nephrolithiasis’ is the medical term for ‘kidney stones’ a term which covers different types of small, solid crystals which form within the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stones are quite common. They form due to different causes and different food;

27 jan 2022
Hydrocele Treatment By Firstcure Health
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How does Hydrocele affect the reproductive system?

Hydrocele usually doesn't affect fertility or the reproductive system. A Hydrocele is a collection of fluid in the scrotum and is associated with an underlying testicular condition that can cause serious complications.

31jan 2022
Kidney Stone Removal Treatment By Firstcure Health
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Can Kidney Stones Go Away on Their Own

Not all kidney stones require treatment as a small, with a diameter of less than 5 millimeters or less than 10 millimeters needs no treatment and can be flushed out of the body on their own with the urine.

5 feb 2022
ZSR Circumcision Treatment By Firstcure Health

Resolve your personal issues with ZSR Circumcision

Circumcision is a cosmetic surgery procedure involving the removal of foreskin. This procedure is mainly done for newborn because of some religious or social beliefs and it can be also done in adults also to treat some conditions such as.

8 feb 2022
Kidney Stones Back Pain Treatment By Firstcure Health
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Is Your Back Pain An Indication Of Kidney Stones?

The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located on either side of the lower back, just below the rib cage which means that if anything is wrong with your kidneys, the pain is likely to radiate to your lower back.

21 feb 2022
polycystic ovarian syndrome By Firstcure Health
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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome, widely known as PCOS, is an endocrine system disorder affecting women during their childbearing years. It is also known as or Stein-Leventhal syndrome. Small cysts or small fluid-filled sacs develop on the ovaries.

7 March 2022
How to take care of Menstrual Hygiene during Menstrual Cycle?
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How to take care of Menstrual Hygiene during Menstrual Cycle?

Menstruation is one of the vital processes which deserves hygiene, self care and eating right to ease the pain. This helps to protect intimate health from bacterial infections...

11 March 2022
Stay hearty and healthy during pregnancy
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Stay hearty and healthy during pregnancy

Pregnancy marks the onset of motherhood and you owe it to yourself to take of yourself and your baby to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.Here are some handy tipsto ensure the same:

4 April 2022
Circumcision Cuts HIV Risk
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Circumcision Cuts HIV Risk

Circumcised men get eight times fewer HIV infections. Penile circumcision, whether done as an infant or later in life, reduces the chances of men who indulge in penile-vaginal sex contracting HIV by up to 60 percent.

20 April 2022
Hernia, Type And Treatment
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Different types of hernia and their treatment

A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue pushes through a weak spot in the muscle or tissue which holds it in place. Example, the intestines may break through a weakened area.

7 May 2022
Disc Prolapse
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Disc Prolapse: An Invisible Handicap

Disc Prolapse, alsoknown by different names like herniated disc, slipped disc or bulging disc, is a problem with one of the rubbery cushions which exist between the bones.

15 May 2022
Gallbladder Stones
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Signs you have gallbladder stones

Gallstones are small, hard deposits which form in your gallbladder. These can range from the size of a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball. Women are more likely to develop gallstones. Many people having these stones have no symptoms, often called ‘asymptomatic’ or ‘silent stones’.

25 May 2022
Chronic Back Pain
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Ways to Prevent Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain is the result of abusing your back for years and is a common concern for many people.Chronic back pain can be a persistent dull ache to a sudden sharp pain. People mostly develop back pain because they are overweight or have a sedentary lifestyle.

7 june 2022
Gut health guide
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Gut health guide: Identify problems to improve digestion

The gut is a complex system of organs and structures comprising the esophagus, stomach and intestines-- a most intricate chemical assembly line breaks down. Read on find out this awesome link about the role of gut bacteria to your health.

18 june 2022
wearing conactts
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Can wearing contacts harm your vision?

Contact lenses are generally safe. These are thin discs of plastic or glass which are placed directly on the cornea for vision correction. Contacts can be -- soft and hard, daily wearor extended wear. Soft contacts are the most popular compared to hard due to its comfort of use.

30 june 2022
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Ensuring your kidney’shealth during pregnancy

Are you thinking about pregnancy? If so, visit FirstCure Health for a screening so that we know yourmedical conditions and can advise you as per your personal health. Your body will undergosome significant changes during a normal pregnancy which put a lot of stress.

15 july 2022
Liver Damage
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Signs of Liver Damage You Should Never Ignore

Contact lenses are generally safe. These are thin discs of plastic or glass which are placed directly on the cornea for vision correction. Contacts can be -- soft and hard, daily wearor extended wear. Soft contacts are the most popular compared to hard due to its comfort of use.

15 july 2022
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GERD Diet: What toeat what not to

Once in a while some people suffer from acid reflux (heartburn) while people having Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a chronic acid reflux condition,suffer from burning discomfort, bloating and belching almost every time they eat.

3 Aug 2022
wearing conactts
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Best exercises for arthritis, according to experts

Exercise is vital for people suffering from arthritis because lack of exercise aggravates joint pain and stiffness. Even moderate exercise can ease the joint pain, increase muscle strength and flexibility, controls weight, sleep – thus enhance the quality of life.

3 Aug 2022
Pilonidal Sinus
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Pilonidal Sinus/Cysts - Everything You Need To Know To Treat It Right

Pilonidal sinus or cyst refers to a sac of tissue that is usually filled with any fluid or pus. It mostly has a round shape and is often located at the end of the tailbone just at the cleft or top of the crease of the buttocks.

9 Sep 2022
Anxiety Symptoms
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Anxiety symptoms that might point to a disorder

Everyone has an occasional bout of anxiety—maybe nervousness before an interview or a first date—this is not only normal but necessary for survival. Since the earliest days of civilization, humans on seeing predators or incoming danger experienced a reactionary response of ‘fight-or-flight’.

28 Sep 2022
Varicose Veins - All You Need to Know
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Varicose Veins - All You Need to Know

Varicose veins is a condition in which the veins of the lower extremities (legs) get swollen. In many cases, varicose veins are manageable without treatment. Blueness, bulging or some black spots, especially in hypertensive patients has been noticed.These are a few symptoms of varicose veins.

30Sep 2022
Health Insurance & Its Many Types in India
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Health Insurance & Its Many Types in India

Health insurance has become necessary for everyone in India with rising inflation and medical costs. According to WHO statistics, in urban and rural regions of India, about 31% and 47% of hospitalisation costs are financed using loans or the sale of assets.According to NITI Aayog report of October 2021.

28 Sep 2022
Let’s Understand why Indians should have a Health Cover
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Let’s Understand why Indians should have a Health Cover

Health insurance has become necessary for everyone in India with rising inflation and medical costs. According to WHO statistics, in urban and rural regions of India, about 31% and 47% of hospitalisation costs are financed using loans or the sale of assets.

30 Sep 2022
Let’s Understand why Indians should have a Health Cover
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Foods for a Healthy Heart

A red alert for all Indians, ‘Heart disease is a silent epidemic and the number 1 reason for mortality among Indians; the world’s heart disease burden. According to the World Health Organization, around 35,40,000 deaths are due to cardiovascular disease (CVD) in India being more prevalent in younger population.

11 Oct 2022
Burning sensation after urination
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Burning sensation after urination – why & what to do?

Burning urination or pain during urination is known as Dysuria. This can be described as a stinging or raw sensation during urination or shortly afterwards; which intensifies from mild to severe. Women are more prone to this infection because of shorter urethras, closer proximity of the .

17 Oct 2022
Burning sensation after urination
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What Causes Heart Palpitations?

You can feel these palpitations in your chest, throat or neck any time, even if you’re are resting or doing normal activities. These feelings normally do not last long and you must not worry because heart palpitations are caused by things you can control, you may be able to prevent them.

27 Oct 2022
What causes chronic migraine?
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What causes chronic migraine?

Migraine is often a term used to describe any severe headache lasting 4 to 72 hours due to specific physiologic changes occurring within the brain. Migraines may be preceded by an aura, a change occurring 15-20 minutes prior to the headache; which may be a visual change like partial blindness .

27 Oct 2022
Causes of Urinary Incontinence
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Causes of Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can happen to anyone; this is the involuntary leakage of urine due to loss of bladder control; an embarrassing issue for many older adults and women. Urinary incontinence is more common among females than in males. This is observed among women who have given birth.

3 NOV 2022
Causes of Urinary Incontinence
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Men Should Know About Varicocele

Varicocele is a condition of enlarged veins in the scrotum. There is no known cause, but fortunately, treatment plans are available. Varicocele is the enlargement of veins in the loose bag of skin that holds the testicles..

4 NOV 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types

To better prepare for hysterectomy surgery, it’s important to know its different types. Read to know the different options available for the procedure.

7 NOV 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Hysterectomy - Reasons why your Doctor may Recommend it

Hysterectomy is a surgery recommended for women with certain gynaecological problems, where the uterus is removed completely. Depending.

7 NOV 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Foods that Type 2 Diabetics
should avoid

People with diabetes must avoid high blood sugar spikes after meals and maintain the daily nutrients intake as high blood sugar after meals is associated with increased rate of complications.

16 NOV 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Things you should know about High Blood Pressure:
Risk factors & Symptoms

High blood pressure (BP) is also called hypertension when the pressure of blood is higher than normal; when the blood pushes consistently high against the arteries walls.

19 NOV 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Here, a hip preservation specialist

People of all ages may suffer from hip pain and to get a proper diagnosis, the best clues are the type of pain and where it is located Rest, anti-inflammatory medication may help you feel better but severe injuries.

29 NOV 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

High blood pressure raises the risk of heart disease and stroke. Blood pressure lower than 120/80 mm Hg is considered normal. However, it is possible to significantly reduce your risk and the high BP — without requiring medications.

29 NOV 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Causes of Leg Cramps–and How to Stop Them

Leg cramps also known as night cramps are extremely painful spasms that typically occur involuntarily in camp muscles during night. This feels like a painful knot on your leg muscle which jolt you awake in the middle of the night or during physical

09 DEC 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Dealing with Pediatric Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids in babies aren’t common, but they can happen due to constipation or chronic liver failure. Rectal bleeding is the most common sign. Hemorrhoids, often called piles, are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum resembling varicose veins

13 DEC 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Why bowel health is important

Hemorrhoids in babies aren’t common, but they can happen due to constipation or chronic liver failure. Rectal bleeding is the most common sign. Hemorrhoids, often called piles, are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum resembling varicose veins

15 DEC 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Surprising Causes of Constipation

Constipation affects everyone now and then — triggered by the diet, travel or even a lack of activity. But you would be surprised by the other factors responsible for longer term or chronic constipation. The list is pretty vast ranging from pregnancy constipation

15 DEC 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Reasons for blurred vision and what to do about It

Blurred vision has become a very common problem due to increased screen time and changing lifestyle. Blurred vision makes you feel as if your life is no longer in focus and can be due to issues with cornea, retina or optic nerve or even due to various long-term.

22 DEC 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Nutrition for Bone Health

Nutrition and lifestyle habits play an important role in building strong bones. One needs a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, legumes, nuts and seeds to keep the bones healthy.

26 DEC 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Reasons for shoulder pain–and what to do about it

Shoulder pain is defined as any level of pain in or around the area of the shoulder joint. This is the most mobile joint (ball-and-socket joint) .

26 DEC 2022
Hysterectomy - Understanding its Various Types
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Everything you need to know about Glaucoma

Most people with Glaucoma have no early symptoms or pain and the first step towards prevention is awareness, so keep reading on.

25 JAN 2023
Pathology tests helping in correct diagnosis
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Pathology tests helping in correct diagnosis

Pathology tests help determine the cause and nature of diseases by testing samples of body tissues and body fluids to help doctors diagnose the diseases and provide treatment, assess the response to the treatment.

25 JAN 2023
Pathology tests helping in correct diagnosis
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Is knee replacement the right choice for you?

Pathology tests help determine the cause and nature of diseases by testing samples of body tissues and body fluids to help doctors diagnose the diseases and provide treatment, assess the response to the treatment.

25 JAN 2023
Pathology tests helping in correct diagnosis
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Toilet Techniques: Prevent straining in the toilet

Passing motion is a regular occurrence but health complications can happen due to hard, difficult bowel movements which require physical exertion and straining. We at FirstCure Health, in this blog.

25 JAN 2023
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फिस्टुला के मुख्य कारण क्या हैं?

फिस्टुला एक ऐसी बीमारी है जिसमें शरीर के दो अंगों या संरचनाओं के बीच असामान्य रूप से कनेक्शन बन जाता है। इससे दोनों अंगों के बीच एक नाली बन जाती है जो कि विभिन्न प्रकार के तरल पदार्थों को एक अंग से दूसरे अंग में पास होने देती है।

25 JAN 2023
Pathology tests helping in correct diagnosis
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What size of gallbladder stones is dangerous

Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive juices that form in the GallBladder. Most gallstones do not cause symptoms but stones irrespective of their size can lead to complications.

25 JAN 2023
Pathology tests helping in correct diagnosis
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Which type of surgery is best for piles?

Hemorrhoids or commonly known as piles, are swollen and inflamed veins, muscles and tissues and around the anus or in your lower rectum, which may cause pain

25 JAN 2023
Pathology tests helping in correct diagnosis
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Do Piles Come Back after Laser Treatment?

Haemorrhoids or piles have the potential to reoccur following any treatment, although it is more accurate to describe it as a recurrence rather than the haemorrhoids "growing back."

25 JAN 2023
Pathology tests helping in correct diagnosis
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गुर्दे की पथरी के पहले संकेत क्या होते हैं?

गुर्दे में बनने वाली पथरी (Kidney Stone), जिसे आमतौर पर यूरोलिथियासिस भी कहा जाता है| एक आम स्वास्थ्य समस्या है जिसमें गुर्दे में स्थापित पथरी की उत्पत्ति होती है इसमें गुर्दे में मस्तिष्क के रूप में एक पथरी बन जाती है

Pathology tests helping in correct diagnosis
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How to Cure Fissure Permanently

Anal fissures refer to the ruptures or tears that occur in the junction of the anal canal and the last part of the colon, through which stools pass out of the body.

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What are the First Signs of Hernia?

The signs of a hernia in the stomach occur in the abdomen area when an organ pushes through the surrounding muscle or tissue. It can manifest as a peculiar bulge

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A Guide to Sinus Surgery: Procedure and Healing Process

Sinus surgery is a procedure to treat chronic sinus inflammation and infection. This guide provides an overview of sinus surgery

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What is MTP: Medical Termination of Pregnancy

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) is a procedure of abortion or terminating pregnancy using only medications. Pregnancy can be terminated with medicine

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The Myths and Misconceptions About Haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a common medical condition affecting individuals worldwide. They occur due to swollen veins in the rectum and anus.

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How to Communicate Effectively with your Surgeon?

Embarking on a planned surgery with the right approach can ease your concerns and have a productive visit with your surgeon. This article aims

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Is Running Bad for Your Knees? The Truth About Running and Arthritis

There is a common misconception that running can lead to arthritis, causing many individuals to avoid this form of exercise and all

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Robotic Knee Replacement vs. Traditional Knee Replacement: Which is Right for You?

Knee replacement surgery has long been a popular and effective treatment for individuals suffering from chronic knee pain

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Appendectomy: A Guide to Understand this Common Surgery

Appendicitis is a frequently encountered condition that can occur in individuals across various age groups. It occurs when the appendix, a small, finger-shaped pouch..

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Unlocking the Truth: Understanding Phimosis - Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

As a result of Phimosis, the foreskin of the penis cannot be retracted (pulled back) over the glans (head of the penis). It can cause pain...

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9 Natural Home Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

As the name implies, acid reflux occurs when stomach contents flow back into our food pipe or esophagus.The feeling of...

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Bowlegs and Knock Knees in Children: Should you be Concerned?

It is common for children to have bowlegs when they are born. It may straighten out at 2 years, become...

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Essential Exercises After Bariatric Surgery: From Weight Loss to Fitness

Bariatric surgery involves various methods, including gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, and gastric banding.

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Breaking Barriers: Accessible Surgical Care for HIV Patients

In the world of healthcare, access to quality medical services is a right that should be available to all individuls...

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Hymenoplasty: What you need to know Before and After

Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring the hymen, a thin membrane covering the...

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Pregnancy after Abortion: Safety and Tips for Success

The topic of pregnancy after abortion is a common concern among women who have experienced the procedure. Many women have questions...

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Which toilet position should be used when the person is suffering from piles?

Haemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, can be a distressing and painful condition affecting many...

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Which Doctor Should You See?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) affects many individuals in today's technology-driven world.

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Pilonidal Sinus Diet: What to Eat and What to Avoid for Effective Management

Pilonidal sinus is a commonly occurring anorectal disease that often goes unnoticed or unspoken.

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Grade 4 Piles: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Grade 4 piles, the most severe form of internal haemorrhoids, can cause significant discomfort and complications if left untreated.

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Are Your Parents' Eyes Cloudy? It Might be Cataract

Cataract, a common eye condition among older adults, can have a significant impact on their vision and overall quality of life. As we age, the lenses in our eyes...

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What does Appendicitis feel like? Here's What You Need to Know

Appendicitis is a condition that can affect people of all ages, but it is most commonly seen in individuals between the ages of 10 and 30.

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Penis Problems: 8 Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

When it comes to our health, we often focus on the visible parts of our bodies, like our skin or our muscles. But what about the hidden areas that can cause major discomfort?

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Understanding the Difference between Piles and Anal Fistula

Are you suffering from discomfort in the anal area and wondering what could be causing it? Well, you're not alone. Many people experience anal...

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Hysterectomy: Pros and Cons of Uterus Removal

Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the uterus. Sometimes, fallopian tubes and ovaries are also removed. This procedure is commonly performed to address...

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Understanding the Urinary System

Urinary system diseases are prevalent among both men and women of all ages, and they can even affect children. These diseases disrupt the body's ability to efficiently...
