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Hysterectomy - Reasons why your Doctor may Recommend it

Hysterectomy, surgical uterus removal may be recommended for various patients. Read to know the common reasons for this surgery.

Hysterectomy is a surgery recommended for women with certain gynaecological problems, where the uterus is removed completely. Depending on the severity of the condition, fallopian tubes and ovaries may also be removed. This is a non-reversible procedure, resulting in the woman becoming infertile. After the procedure, there will be no periods and the woman can’t get pregnant. .

When do Doctors recommend Hysterectomy?

Next to caesarean births, hysterectomy is the most common surgery among women. Following are some of the reasons why the doctor may recommend a hysterectomy for a patient:

  ●    Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids are noncancerous and refer to the cells that grow abnormally within the uterus. They can cause fertility issues, heavy bleeding, abdominal pain and distention. In many cases, fibroids can be controlled with birth control pills effectively. Otherwise, a less invasive myomectomy may be suggested to remove the fibroids alone. In some women, the standard treatment measures may not control the problem. Fibroids may continue to grow aggressively and cause numerous symptoms which makes a hysterectomy necessary.

  ●   Cancer

A good percentage of hysterectomies are done to help women fight against cancer. A complete hysterectomy is the safest option to beat cancer and lead a healthy life when a woman is diagnosed with cancer in the uterus, cervix, ovary or endometrium. Many doctors suggest a hysterectomy for women with cancerous genes or precancerous conditions. Women with Lynch syndrome have a very high chance of developing cancer in the uterus, colon and other areas. So, doctors recommend a hysterectomy to avoid cancer growth.

  ●    Endometriosis

When uterus lining cells grow outside of the uterine wall, it causes irregular periods and extreme pain, diagnosed as Endometriosis. It causes infertility and painful periods in women. When hormone therapy and procedure to remove just the endometrial tissue doesn’t work, doctors recommend a hysterectomy. While it can help in most cases, endometriosis may reoccur even after uterine removal.

  ●    Adenomyosis.

Sometimes, the uterine lining grows into the uterine muscles causing heavy bleeding and painful periods, resulting in Adenomyosis. This condition will not cause trouble after menopause when the uterine lining stops growing. Pain medication and hormone therapy may be sufficient in older women. However, a hysterectomy may be the only option when symptoms become severe and life-threatening.

  ●    Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

A bacterial infection occurring in the pelvic region that can result in severe pelvic pain is called PID. Early diagnosis of PID is much easier on the patient because the infection can be treated with antibiotics. However, if the infection is uncontrolled, it can quickly spread from the pelvic cavity to the uterus. It will severely damage the uterus and hysterectomy is the only option.

  ●   Endometrial Hyperplasia

In some women, the uterus lining may be thicker than usual. Too much estrogen will result in the thickening of the uterus walls. As a result, heavy, irregular and painful menstruation occurs. Hormone therapies provide better relief for patients during the early stages. In cases of severe hyperplasia, doctors may recommend a hysterectomy.

  ●   Uterine Prolapse

Accidents and injuries to the abdominal region can result in uterine prolapse where the uterus slips from the normal position and falls below the vagina. Women with multiple vaginal births are at a higher risk of uterine prolapse. Obese women and women going through menopause are also at a greater risk. It can result in urinary problems, bowel issues and increased pelvic pressure. Sometimes, exercises and at-home therapy devices help treat the condition. Surgical repair of pelvic tissue can also help in some cases. A hysterectomy is a final option if nothing works to relieve the symptoms.

  ●   Placenta Accreta

Placenta Accreta is a severe pregnancy complication when the placenta grows deeply into the uterine wall. Cesarean delivery is the only option for such women and doctors follow up with a hysterectomy to avoid fatal internal bleeding when the placenta separates after delivery.

  ●   Bleeding Complications

Uterine bleeding due to cancer, infection, hormone imbalance and post-delivery complications can be fatal for the women suffering from it. When doctors feel that hysterectomy is the safest way to control bleeding quickly, they may schedule an emergency hysterectomy.

This surgery is usually recommended as a last resort to save the woman’s life or improve her quality of life. In most cases, patients will have a chance to think about a hysterectomy, but for emergencies, a hysterectomy may be the only solution to stop excessive bleeding.

Why talk to Us?

We at FirstCure have top doctors equipped with most advanced procedures at guranteed lowest cost. We will assist you at every step from booking consultations, second opinions, arranging diagnostic tests, insurance approvals and related paperwork, admission to discharge and post surgery follow up consultation.

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