What is MTP: Medical Termination of Pregnancy

What is MTP: Medical Termination of Pregnancy

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) is a procedure of abortion or terminating pregnancy using only medications. Pregnancy can be terminated with medicine in the early stages of pregnancy (7-9 weeks) otherwise, surgical procedure is needed. Medical termination of pregnancy is legal in India if the length of pregnancy does not exceed 20 weeks. Legally, only the consent of a pregnant woman is needed for terminating the pregnancy and there is no need to obtain the consent of any other person.

Experienced gynecologist performs MTP only after ascertaining the period of pregnancy; there can be numerous complications regarding the medical termination of pregnancy. First of all pregnancy test is conducted or an USG, an ultrasound examination is done to check the age of the pregnancy, also to confirm if the pregnancy is not outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy) or it’s not a tumor in the uterus (molar pregnancy). We at FirstCure Health test you for anaemia, sexually transmitted diseases or other health complications plus our expert counselor will talk with you clearing your doubts before you take the final decision.

Gynecologists usually recommend a medicine which is given either orally or by injection. An antibiotic will also be given to prevent infection. This medicine obstructs progesterone and its shortage affects the uterine lining. Without progesterone, the uterine lining will thin, and the embryo will not stay attached. These medicines cause the uterus to contract, bleed and expel the embryo. The process may take a few hours or days. A week later, a medical examination confirms the complete termination of pregnancy and checks for any complications.

What can you expect after an MTP?

Vaginal bleeding, abdominal cramping or back pain, foul-smelling vaginal discharge will be the biggest side effects. Other side effects from a medical abortion are nausea and vomiting, fever, chills, diarrhea and headache. You also need to visit the doctors to ensure that your healing process is going correct and to confirm that the pregnancy is completely aborted.

Empowering women

Termination of pregnancy is highly personal but in India government has also made an act to regulate the abortion. This act is ‘The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971’ which was amended in 2021 stipulating a ceiling of 20 weeks, for termination of pregnancy, beyond which abortion of a fetus is statutorily impermissible. The amendment expands the access to safe and legal abortion services on therapeutic, eugenic, humanitarian and social grounds to ensure universal access to comprehensive care.

• Amendment now gives the option of MTP to unmarried/ married women for failure of Contraceptive Method or Device.

• Increased the upper gestation limit from 20 to 24 weeks to rape survivors, victims of incest and other vulnerable women (differently-abled women, minors, among others).

• And MTP for fetus even beyond 24 week having substantial genetic abnormalities.

• The ‘name and other particulars of a woman whose pregnancy has been terminated shall not be revealed’, violators will be punished by fine and imprisonment.

Common reasons for opting MTP

Women can opt for MTP for diverse reasons ranging from medical, personal to social. A few of the common reasons for termination of pregnancy can be:

• Women whose physical or mental health is at risk due to pregnancy.

• Pregnancy caused by sexual abuse.

• Failure of contraception.

• When there is risk of a child being born with birth defects, physical or mental abnormalities.

Who Should not Choose MTP?

Women must not think about getting a medical abortion if they can relate to one of the following:

• If the period of pregnancy exceeds more than 9 weeks then, one should avoid going for a medical abortion

• If an intrauterine device (IUD) is being used

• If a woman is suffering from an ectopic pregnancy

• Have certain medical conditions which restrain them to get an abortion from medicine

• If they have bleeding disorders

• Heart or blood vessel complications

• An uncontrolled seizure disorder

• Have ovarian mass or anaemia

• Allergy to the medications involved

As mentioned earlier, MTP is a procedure involving both physical pain and also strains a person mentally, we at FirstCure Health offer our patients responsible counseling. We have the best team of specialist gynecologists and counselors with years of experience to guide you.

Why talk to Us?

We at FirstCure have top doctors equipped with most advanced procedures at guranteed lowest cost. We will assist you at every step from booking consultations, second opinions, arranging diagnostic tests, insurance approvals and related paperwork, admission to discharge and post surgery follow up consultation.

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