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Toilet Techniques: Prevent straining in the toilet

Medically reviewed by
Dr Shailendra Jain MBBS, MS - General Surgery Laparoscopic Surgeon

Passing motion is a regular occurrence but health complications can happen due to hard, difficult bowel movements which require physical exertion and straining. We at FirstCure Health, in this blog, are creating awareness of the common problems which arise if you are straining in the toilet.

Prevent straining in the toilet

Consistently straining when passing motion can cause the following complications:


Hemorrhoids -

are swollen veins or piles which cause pain, burning and itching.


Anal fissures -

are little wounds or tears in the lining of your anus.


Hiatal hernia -

is when the upper part of stomach pushes through the opening in the diaphragm.


Rectal prolapse

happens when a small amount of intestinal lining pushes out from anal opening.

What causes the need to strain?

Hard stool happens to everyone but if your stool is consistently hard and difficult to pass, you may not be eating enough fluids or fiber in your diet or having medications like iron supplements or narcotics which causes stools to harden.

Other causes are:


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

a disorder of your large intestine


Celiac disease

an immune response in small intestine triggered by eating gluten


Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

a central nervous system disease


Parkinson’s disease

a nervous system disorder which is progressive



pelvic muscles that have difficulty coordinating contraction and relaxation


Crohn’s disease

inflammation of the lining of digestive tract


Ulcerative colitis

inflammation and sores in the lining of your large intestine and rectum

Certain conditions and diseases can make it difficult to poop by upsetting the hormone balance which balances the fluids in your body. These conditions include:

  ●     hyperparathyroidism (overactive parathyroid gland)

  ●     hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)

  ●     diabetes

  ●     pregnancy

Poop without straining

A healthy digestive tract (intestines, rectum and anus) is critical to avoiding straining when you poop. Keep your digestive tract healthy by:

  ●     Drinking enough water or fluids

  ●     Eating a nutritious diet with foods which are fiber rich like whole grains, fruits, beans, vegetables and nuts to add bulk to your stool keeping it soft and easy to pass. Avoid dairy, meat, processed snacks.

  ●     Exercising – regularly for 30 minutes a day, at least five times a week. Great options are walking, biking or swimming.

  ●     Techniques for pooping easily – the first step is to relax and head to the toilet. Sit and relax on the toilet. Do not immediately try to push the poop out. Give your body about 5 minutes to get things moving. Take reading material to avoid impatience and the urge to strain.

Try this poop position

Sit on the toilet to avoid straining when you poop by:

  ●    lifting your heels or use a step stool to keep your knees higher than your hips

  ●    keeping the legs apart

  ●    lean forward with the back straight

  ●    resting the forearms on the knees


  ●    push the muscles forward, repeat with each urge to poop

  ●     do not hold the breath or breathe out from your mouth

When to visit FirstCure Health

  ●     If you consistently find yourself straining to pass stool and haven’t had a bowel movement for a few days or when there is:

  ●    blood in the stool

  ●    anal discomfort

Why talk to Us?

We at FirstCure have top doctors equipped with most advanced procedures at guranteed lowest cost. We will assist you at every step from booking consultations, second opinions, arranging diagnostic tests, insurance approvals and related paperwork, admission to discharge and post surgery follow up consultation.

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